News about the Feed Mill Industry in Indonesia
We bring to you important facts and developments in the Feed Mill and Flour Mill Industry in Indonesia. Please come back often to get the latest news, market condition, and prices as well as important regulation changes effecting the industry.

Corn Production is Up, But Corn Prices stay High in Indonesia
There is a big disconnect between reality and what is reported by the Indonesian Department of Agriculture. This is evidenced by the claim that production of corn in Indonesia had reached 27.9 Million Tons by November 2017 and the fact that the price of...
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Court Dismisses Indonesia’s Antitrust Commission (KPPU) Decision on Poultry Cartel
In early 2016, the Indonesian antitrust commission investigated how the 12 largest feedmills allegedly colluded to form a "cartel" to control the poultry business. Specifically named in the investigation was Charoen Pokphand Jaya Farm, Japfa Comfeed...
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DDGS Prices set to increase significantly because of China
Looks like it is the end of low priced DDGS. In a 1-2 punch. First with the removal of the DDGS ban in Vietnam, now the removal reduction of the anti-dumping VAT tax in China. DDGS is set to sell at least $10 above last week's levels. See below article...
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